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Caption Edit 1.0

Caption Edit 1.0

Caption Edit Publisher's Description

CaptionEdit (for Windows) is essential for photojournalists, photographers, photo editors, photo agencies and image archives, who work with large numbers of digital or digitized images and need to add, edit or manipulate IPTC info (IPTC: Important information about the image like Caption, Photo date, City, State, Country, authorship and search keywords are embedded within the header of JPEG or TIFF format files) and view embedded metadata (IPTC / EXIF). EXIF supports the storage of extended camera information within the header of JPEG or TIFF format files. The program allows you to browse images as thumbnails. You can move, copy, rotate, flip, edit IPTC info, batch rename or infuse images with IPTC info. Images may be retouched and enhanced using your favorite 3rd party image editor like Photoshop.

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